“A Frozen State” – Poem By: Shadows – At Moontowncafe.Com

Here I am, in a frozen state
as peace, in me, I await.
I don’t know if I am awake,
am I here, or opaque?

Movement, we move on,
or has the motion foregone.
We sail on, over the ocean,
within flowing, deep emotion.
Through the essence, of the earth,
and as the spirits, me, they girth.
As history flies by, as do I,
the word of truth, many deny.

Empty world, as despair blows,
and sadness, sadly grows.
Lost shadows, are passing by,
with endless asking, of why?
Moving into the distance,
the light, is my resistance.
The pain slowly does ease
fading slightly in the breeze.

Here, is me, in a frozen state,
as the light, that shines, I await.
In a dream, or maybe awake?
Am I here, or opaque?

Click On MoonTownCafe.Com

2 comments on ““A Frozen State” – Poem By: Shadows – At Moontowncafe.Com

  1. This is absolutely lovely. The wording is fantastic and rich with so many clever turns. Love this!


  2. granbee says:

    Sometimes, when we think we are “at peace” with ourselves, we are just being opaque. We are not allowing any new light in to disturb or awaken us. Sometimes.


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